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Infrastructure and utilities

Our in-house team of technical specialists have extensive experience of preparing land for development.

The team ensures value engineering opportunities are explored at the earliest stage and reviewed regularly, ensuring the most commercially efficient designs are considered as soon as the development commences. This approach reduces time and costs from day one ensuring robust costs can be established as soon as practicable.

Russell LDP has experience working with technically difficult developments including sites with live Environmental Permits, salt and coal mining areas, within existing flood plains, extensive earthworks operations, and working with heavily contaminated materials.


We understand that each project differs in terms of historical land use, contamination types, contaminating concentrations, receptors and proposed end-use.

We always begin by undertaking a detailed assessment of all available information to develop a site-specific remediation solution.


Earthworks are a significant development cost and a constraint to what can achieved on a given site.

Russell LDP has recently worked on a scheme that initially required the disposal of circa 400,000m3 of material from site. Russell LDP managed upfront feasibility earthworks modelling to maximise the Site's development area. Adding cost effective reinforced earth retaining structures to balance the model, optimised the earthworks solutions, thus securing the re-use of site won materials to reduce and avoid expensive import and disposal costs.


The team has experience in the diversion of minor and major utilities, watercourses and rivers and where feasible agreeing cost effective alternatives.

Russell LDP is currently working as the client with United Utilities on a Section 185 1km diversion of an 800mm diameter critical transfer mains through multiple landowners.

Russell LDP has also recently designed a protection slab to cross a 300mm strategic high-pressure gas main with a major highway, mitigating the need for a diversion.